Thursday, September 19, 2013

A blog identity captured.....and protected.

There's a famous lady that I share the Stewart surname with....yeah, I'm not her. I'm Southern. I've never been to jail. I'm not a dynamo in the decorating/crafting area. I don't have a show and magazine named after me. I'm not a collared shirt kind of girl. I don't have a compound in the get the point.

I'm not even sure what I'm doing with this blog. I googled and saw that it was an available blog handle and so I snapped it up, lest another person named Stewart or with the surname Stewart steal my fantastic blog identity, it has to be protected.....

So what do I share with that other Stewart I referenced, I like to cook. I don't necessarily make it all fancy though, I mean, presentation wise. I cook fancy food, but then I just serve it up. So maybe this will be a blog about fancy food served in a super ordinary--nay--sloppy way....that's original. The antithesis to what that other Stewart does.......maybe.

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